The Little Engine That Could

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Living the Juicy Life!

This week was an interesting one. Every night I have had something to do-- dinner, movies, coffee, workout-- so I am just getting used to being home and relaxing. I watched a great documentary called "Control Room", and rather than get into a political discussion, I will say that it opened my eyes to what the news really is.

Today I re-did my shoes. Meaning I threw out a bunch. My feet, after only 40 or so pounds, are not as wide, and not as swollen. So the ones that are too big, I tossed. The ones that I got "just in case" I tossed. There are a couple I am still hanging onto because they are sexy, fun or useful for a specific outfit.

I tried on a pair of size 24 jeans that I haven't been able to wear for 2 or 3 years. And they fit. They don't look great, so I'll wait another couple weeks, but wow.

I think I am going to dig into my closet and get real with the clothes I like, and the ones I don't, and do a purge. It's time.

No more living "for now". No more. Everything I own I want to love-- from the furniture I sit on, to the clothes I wear, to the food in my body to the lotion on my skin. Everything else gets tossed.

I feel I am getting ready for another big change, and hanging onto stuff just has me hang onto stuff. Which includes weight and emotions and etc etc. I want the space for a juicy delicious relationship that I love, with a hunky charming passionate man who adores me. It's just about creating it!

I'll let you know how it goes. Well, at least about the clutter clear.


Dagny said...

Clearing things out and reorganizing your space and your stuff is a great way to enhance that sense of increasing control in your life! Out with the old stuff and the old ways, in with the new!

Danyele said...

I can already see that your transformation will be amazing and so so fun to watch and read about.

Candy-O said...

Oh wow! For some reason your post really hit with me. In Feng Shui tips they always talk about how clutter slows down the "qi" (energy) that flows through our life. By letting go of the things that don't feed your soul, you make room for new things that will. How cool!!