The Little Engine That Could

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I had a date last night, kissed a cute boy in a bar for a couple hours. It was nice.

I was a total grown-up. I kissed, I had fun, but I felt no need to go home with said cute guy. He put on the full court press. I apparently outmaneuvered him.

When did it become okay for men to be disgusting on a first date? He was so pissed that I wouldn't go back to his place, and that I wouldn't let him come to mine that he said "I mean, you are really cute, and I had fun, but if you won't do (insert potentially degrading thing here) with me, then I don't know if this is going to work. I don't want a dead lay."

Oh yes, he really said that. ON A FIRST DATE.

I apologized (I apologized???) for not being interested in potentially degrading thing on the first date. I was no longer interested, and I went over to D's for a great night with the opera singers. And he went home to degrade his hand and potentially the face of another really pretty girl in a magazine.


I am looking to meet an attractive, single, tall-ish (over 5'9) man, with a job he likes, who is intelligent, funny, kind, generous, well-traveled (or at least knows about the world outside of his bubble), loyal and honest, who knows when to be a gentleman and when to be less than a gentleman. I am not looking for a Havard grad, nor am I looking for someone who is married to their job (or married at all. Did I say single, I mean single). Just a nice, normal-ish man who has boy qualities (likes to play, likes to have fun, likes to watch sports and hang out with the guys) and who has man-qualities (respects others, plays fair enough, pays bills on-time, knows his limit and respects others boundaries) and who wants to meet a sassy, smart, well-traveled, well-spoken, respectful ball of fire like myself.

Anyone.....? Anyone....?


Leah said...

What a jerk!
Way to respect yourself. You deserve so much better than that creep.
Good luck.

Tracy said...

Kim: by far this post is so telling in how you've grown over the last year that I've been reading you....... I am so proud of you..... I really am.

Anonymous said...

God, men can be such pigs. I hope he and his palm will be very happy together.