The Little Engine That Could

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Who did a 5K today?

Yup. I did.

It wasn't outside, and it was not for a cause (unless "reduce Kim's ass" is some cause that someone is raising money for, but I doubt it) but on the treadmill , and it took me just under one hour, but I did it. I did it. And for part of it I ran (like 4 minutes of it) but it wasn't because I thought I should, but because I wanted to. My body was like "Okay, now we run" and off I ran.

That was cool.

Then my heart and lungs and knees said "Wait, stop, slow down a bit, umm, oww" and so I did. But I pushed a little first.

So the 30 day challenge is still going. I took a couple days off. I'm not beating myself up about it. Okay, I am a little bit, because why can't I be perfect and do perfect things and start the things I want to finish and vice versa. I guess it's part of the perfect make-up that's me.

5K today. And then tea with dear fabulous friends and then raise a toast to Mills, and then walk 25 blocks to almost home, and then grocery shopping and then home.

I feel really good. I feel really relaxed and very happy that I have had a weekend to just be and be relaxed. And get my nails done and talk to family and friends and finish my taxes and mail and whatnot. And take naps, long glorious naps.

Life is good. I walked a 5K. I might do it again this week.


Melting Mama said...


Anonymous said...

You kick so much ass!

<3 Sabrina

Eat, Drink and be Married said...

Go girl!