The Little Engine That Could

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Drinking coffee, perusing blogs.

I went shopping last night for bras. As an adult I've ever really only shopped in the plus sized stores. I went back to them to try on the smallest they had. Which fit well, so I bought them there.

The retail sales assistants used to be nicer to me when I was heavier. I asked one why the rack was turned the opposite way-- it wasn't easy to pull the clothes off the rack. And they were jammed. She said that she was following managers orders and that she didn't agree with it as well. When I went to check out, turns out, she is the manager. I pointed that out to her "Oh, so you are the manager?" She looked at me and said "I don't know why people like you shop in here. There are other stores for you."

I wanted to scream back 'I shop here because I am comfortable here. Because I am right on the verge of all of this being too big and it scares me, I have only known these sizes and these styles my whole life. I know how to put together an outfit from your clothes and look amazing, and shopping in the regular sized stores is like walking into the chocolate river room of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. I have no idea where to look, the colors are overwhelming, and what if I pick the wrong thing? What if I go to the river and fall in? What if those sales assistants look at me and ask if I am shopping for someone else? Don't you want my damn money?'

True-- i was being bitchy. It was really hard to pull things off the racks. But c'mon.
I smiled, didn't say anything, and moved on. Maybe she just said it in her head. Maybe she didn't say it at all. Maybe her withering stare will push me to never give them another dime.

I'm in-between. I've been in between for a very long while, and to tell the truth, it's comfortable here. I don't have to be entirely responsible for being a straight size yet, and I can't wear most of the LB things. I hated me when I was bigger-- that girl that really should try another store. However, I am still 100 pounds overweight. So I still have the big girl cred. I don't know if being in-between has me be comfortable or not, it's always just back and forth.

My end point. I want my end point to be 190 pounds. Or thereabouts. That would be another 75 pounds lost. It's not going to make me happier, but it's a goal to achieve. 190.

After surgery, there is still diet and exercise. And dealing with emotions and working on stuff, and being mad that chips are not a food group (I was never a chip eater before) and that no matter how much protein cream cheese has, it's not a meal when it's on a cupcake. I'm a lucky one, I don't dump easily. I in fact try to dump, try to overeat to teach myself a lesson, do a little mental flogging if you will. There is still portion control, and being an adult and saying that's enough right before its too much.

I'm healing. The scars of surgery have faded, but I am still healing. and so I ask of you to keep me in your thoughts, send me good wishes through the ether, and love me as I am. Because right now, it's really hard for me to do that for myself.


Donna said...

I've always suspected that working on the emotional side of things takes far more effort than just maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here's to healing!

Ammie said...

I'm in the same spot emotionally as you are right now so I'm going to tell you what I try to tell myself (and try to believe) on a daily basis...YOU ARE WORTHY. You are worthy of this weight loss. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of the time it takes to exercise and eat well. You are worthy to shop anywhere you please! You are worthy of compliments. You are worthy of self love. You are worthy of (fill in the blanks).

Some days it's easier to believe than others but you have to keep telling yourself that you are worthy and I'm hopeful that one day my (your) head will catch on.

Tracy said...

Kim: As I sit here typing while my work nemisis is just over in the next office.... as I wait for her to pounce on me and jump on my soul... I have to say... Make a NEW comfort zone! One that is at the Willy Wonka factory..... and enjoy all the colors of the rainbow there.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly where you were...I'm gonna walk right on in there and kick that bitch in the shins.