The Little Engine That Could

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Feeling good

I started the 5 day pouch test on Monday.

By Monday afternoon, I was sweating and miserable.
I just had a few bites of a dark chocolate bar.

Tuesday I was doing great.
I had two cups of salad at lunch.
Then 4 cookies.
Then a piece of Brazilian cheese bread, three croquettes, a half serving of stroganoff, 1/4 cup rice, a cappuccino and three bites of a coconut custard.
Then finished off the stroganoff after I got home last night.

Here's what I didn't do. I didn't say to my boss-- I don't want to have dinner with the group because I am keeping to a strict diet this week. I am jump-starting my weightloss process and I need to clear out my system. And go back to basics.

Instead I said-- I'll be there. Wouldn't miss it for the world.

So here's what's so for today.
Brought in lunch from the deli for the program. I have chicken soup instead.
Cocktails and dinner at 6pm. I will drink water and not eat dinner. Before I go out, I will have my chicken soup or a protein shake.

And I am not beating myself up. This is life. I make choices. I chose not to stick with the diet last night. So I just begin again. No big deal.

Come join. to be in sassy girls wls salon. Stop being a lurker. Join.

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