The Little Engine That Could

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

By The Way, Ohio is not near to New York.

Spent the weekend in Ohio with family. I do love them, and realize I am a lot of fun. My cousin K has so much to say, so much going on. She's really just a treat to be around-- and J and A are just very hip. I got to know A much better this time around and realized that he loves pulling up a chair and watching the show.

My Aunt is so cool-- just no nonsense, straightforward. I forget that she is a tall girl too-- 5'10. Ahh. I love that my family is tall.

But of course at these things not everyone comes. My brother and his family didn't and neither did my aunt-- as she is planning for her son's wedding in August. I won't be going because of the surgery-- but will send my love and love and love and support, and lots of laughter.

Uncle Roger and I shared a room. I said it was because someone had to keep the "old Queen up at night"-- we were just terrible to each other.

Kim: What are you doing in there?
Roger: Spackling my face
Kim: Leave some for me.

Roger: Are you going to come over now-- because I have to go to the ATM to pay for your date!

Kim: Roger, bathroom's free-- I left the super glue and duct tape out so you can tack everything up before we go out (refering to his body).

I love my Uncle Roger. Fabulous old Queen.

Mom and me entertained the troops for a while-- laughing, talking, chatting, skitting, having a blast. Mom has so much to say-- it's like she's letting herself be heard, letting herself be listened to. Letting herself be loved. It was palpable-- she could feel it in the room. She looks awesome-- so beautiful. if I am half as pretty-- watch out. Dangerous I say, just dangerous!

Mam's losing weight like I've never seen. She looks amazing, like that late 60's mini skirt wearing pixie that she has always been. So so cute.
Makes me wonder who I am going to be under this. I have a feeling I'll be bombshell like. I've always done the red lips, black eyeliner, too tight sweaters, high heels thing, but now, oozing sex with something to back it up with. Fast cars, good boys and a little bit of listerine under the front seat just in case the coppers need to check my breath.
Oh, daddy.

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